"Minister for Dawn raids visits Scotland
Home Office Minister Liam Byrne visited Edinburgh and Glasgow to announce new measures to process and reject asylum applications and deport people to danger more efficiently. Scottish refugees and supporters gathered to incentivise him back to London. two reports...

Early morning vigils to stop dawn raids
Across Glasgow just before sun-rise something new is happening. Early in the morning friends and neighbours are gathering outside tower blocks in their local communities to mount vigils against dawn raids on asylum seeker families living there. more details...

Transnational day of action against migration controls
For reports on the march and rally in Glasgow and from across Europe, click here

Resistance to dawn raids in Glasgow
The morning of 2 October 06 saw a brutal dawn raid on a young woman in Glasgow, her babies torn from her and locked away in a seperate van as they were all taken to prison. The following day, over 100 residents of her block in Kingsway Court were on the streets at dawn to protest, and stopped the dawn raid vans when they returend for more families. The next day, locals of Tarfside Oval in the south of the city came out in force to resist the snatch squads that had came for a Kurdish family.

Deportations to Iraq
The UK government, under vicious Home Secretary John Reid, has begun forced removals of Iraqi refugees, even those with outstanding legal appeals read more...

Protest at the Scottish Parliament
Asylum seekers from Glasgow travelled to to the Scottish parliament in Edinburgh, calling for the rigt to work and an end to detention in a protest orgnaised by Unity, the union of asylum seekers in Scotland. read more...

Victory in fight against forced relocations in Glasgow!
Following an upsurge in resistance to plans to uproot dozens of families from their homes and communities in Pollokshaws in the south side of Glasgow, the Home Office has caved in to demands that people be found homes nearby. read more...

Forced removals: Public meeting Tues 27 June, solidarity and resistance.
1,000 people in Glasgow seeking asylum, currently housed by the council, are to have new private sector landlords. The landlords and NASS are forcing families to move from the areas where they have been living for years, at very short notice and with no choice. Resistance is building. Read more...

The YMCA is one of the landlords forcibily relocating families across the city, from their homes in the southside to it's mega-hostel in the north. read more...

Smile for the week and to hell with you for the rest of the year!
A Refugee Week round-up from Indymedia.

"We Belong To Glasgow" Rally
at Brand Street, Ibrox, Glasgow on Saturday 17 June at 11am till 1.30pm. Protest against dawn raids; detention and Dungavel; deportations; destitution and for the right to work for asylum seekers read more...

Asylum rights protest in Glasgow city centre
Over 100 asylum seekers and supporters held a protest in the city centre, calling for an end to dawn raids, detention and deportations, and for the right to work for all. read more...

Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees reports on the pastor Daly case.
Pastor Daly and family have won the right to have their case re-assessed WITHOUT going to judicial review. read more...

Home Secretary Sacked!
There should be dancing in the streets.
27 April 2006
Dawn Raid on Sri Lankan family.
Why is the UK government terrorising Glasgow residents from Sri Lanka the day after the United Nations issues a statement of concern at the escalating violence? read more...
8 April 2006
Unity March & Rally Glasgow
Around 300 asylum seekers, refugees, sans-papiers and their supporters marched across Glasgow this afternoon, calling for the right to work and an end to detention and deportation read more...
29 March 2006
Direct Action stops eviction
Supporters rushed to the aid of Mr Bajaj and his family this morning, as Glasgow City Council tried again to evict the elderly disabled man and his family from their home. read more...
27 March 2006
McNulty not welcome here.
Government Minister for Dawn Raids, Tony McNulty, visited Glasgow today...and the scumbag was treated to the welcome he deserves. read more...
11 March 2006
Brand St protest and Unity Centre opens
10 February 2006
First dawn raid of 2006
Picket at Brand St as Aykol family is abducted
24 January 2006
Time for direct action against dawn raids.
Through solidarity, mutual aid and direct action we CAN stop the dawn raids
12 January 2006
First Brand Street blockade of 2006.
The Brand Street Immigration Centre gates were blocked again on the morning of 12th January
4th January 2006
Happy New Year, Brand St.
The Home Office at Brand Street in Ibrox re-opened this morning after the New Year Holidays. Activists from No Borders Glasgow were also there, picketing from 7 till 10:30am
14, 15, 16 December 2005
Brand Street Blockades.
For three days running, no Immigration Service snatch squads have been able to leave the Scottish Enforcement Unit at Brand Street to carry out dawn raids. The gates have been chained and blockaded from 5am til after dawn
21 November 2005
Brand St locked down - 3 detained.
Once again the Home Office Immigration offices in Glasgow have been closed down by protesters. The protest ended at 11am with 3 protestors detained by Police
14 November 2005
Ahmed family - another abduction.
Another family has been abducted from their Glasgow home and deported, this time leaving behind a 16 year old boy who was away from home at the time
11 September 2005
Temperate McNulty and Grassroots resistance.
Immigration Minister bars officials from speaking to Brand Street protestors.
2 November 2005
Brand Street office occupation.
Protestors storm the Immigration Reporting Centre in Glasgow.
14 October 2005
Kupeli Family abducted - another dawn raid in Glasgow
Mr Sinan Kupeli (38), wife Songul (37) and daughters Suna (9) and Yagmur (6½) were torn from their home and community in the Gorbals, where they have lived for the past 5 years, in a terrifying dawn raid.