from 10am
Protest at Brand Street:
Surround the centre of "administrative removals"
Saturday 17th December will see the latest, and probably biggest protest at the gates of the immigration reporting centre at Brand Street, Govan.
On Saturday 3rd December a securicor van forced it's way through the weekly peaceful vigil at the gates. Inside was Pastor Makielokele Nzelengi Daly* and his family, detained again. The Daly family was incarcerated at Yarls Wood, but once again a campaign sprung into action and the family was released.
Saturday 10th December saw a larger vigil than usual, about 20 people turned up to make sure no families were abducted without resistance. Banners and placards were hung around the gates. No vans left the building that day.
On the 17th, people are coming from far and wide to call for an end to dawn raids, an end to disappearances from Brand Street, and an end to all "administrative removals". Come and join the protest. Keep up the pressure.
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*For a report on the Daly family's legal fight, see: http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/52277.html
The Daly family were detained almost exactly a year ago, but a massive grassroots campaign succeeded in gaining their release on bail. For background to the family's struggle to remain in their community, see: NCADC