A call from the European No Border Movement
When thousands of migrants and refugees collectively stormed the border fences of the Spanish enclaves in Ceuta and Melilla (Spanish border outposts in Africa) in October last year, the crucial demands for freedom of movement and for equal rights were clearly brought to public attention, at least for the moment.
Our new joint call for a Day of Action follows the mobilisations on 31 January 2004 and on 2 April 2005, when we held the first and second days of action on migration in more than 50 cities across Europe. The 3rd Day of Action will be directed against the denial of rights, against the criminalisation of migrants and against all immigration controls, articulating clear demands within the framework of freedom of movement and the right to stay [read the call]
Join the UNITY protest in Glasgow
12 noon - 3pm, Saturday 7 October
Together we are strong!
Together we are strong!
MARCH to the UNITY rally in George Square
Feeder marches will be leaving from different parts of the city:
NORTH: Assemble 10.30 outside the Post Office Huntingdon Square, SIGHTHILL
SOUTH: Assemble 10.30 outside the Leisure Centre, Ballater Street, GORBALS
WEST: Assemble 10.30 outside Lidl, Maryhill Road, MARYHILL
maps of meet-up locations:
Gorbals leisure centre: http://tinyurl.com/ofod3
Lidl, Maryhill Road: http://tinyurl.com/fo8ma
Huntingdon Sq, Sighthill: http://tinyurl.com/flwet
Lidl, Maryhill Road: http://tinyurl.com/fo8ma
Huntingdon Sq, Sighthill: http://tinyurl.com/flwet
Third International Day of Action for Migrants and Refugees Rights - Protests and actions in support of asylum seekers, migrants, refugees and 'sans papiers' will be happening in London and across Europe on this day.
In Glasgow come along to the protest rally in George Square in the city centre.
Called by UNITY - the union of asylum seekers and supported by the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees.
Let's make this the largest and noisiest protest by asylum seekers yet! Please help us to do this - tell everyone you know about the protest and bring them along to it!
Leaflets, posters and more information are available from:
The Unity Centre
30 Ibrox Street
Glasgow G51 1AQ
0141 427 7992