Government Minister for Dawn Raids, Tony McNulty, visited Glasgow today, 27th March, to announce that his response to unrest in Scotland over his jackboots approach to refugee families is to appoint a regional Immigration Director and to impose on Scotland a new UK Immigration arrest force to take over from Police, who are unhappy at their role in traumatising children in dawn raids.
McNulty was treated to the welcome he deserves, when hundreds of Glaswegians, most of whom were refugees seeking asylum, followed him around the city, heckled him at his early morning press conference at a posh hotel, blockaded him in his car at the City Chambers, and shouted loud and clear: if you're not here to announce that us new Glaswegians are free to stay in Scotland, then YOU can go back to where you came from. Islington, probably.
McNulty also announced that a “lead professional” from social services or education will be a liaison point in the forcible removal of children born and brought up in Scotland to war-zones like Iraq or Afghanistan. That must be very comforting for the thousands of people living in constant fear of the dawn raid. A new Immigration Stasi, but with a cuddly lead professional on hand to, well, just to be on hand.
Such are the concessions won by Jack McConnell from his bosses at Westminster. Thanks Jack. Well done, wee man.
But perhaps a lead professional from Glasgow City Council’s social work department could explain why the same social worker who told disabled refugee Mr Kartar Singh Bajaj, of Cardonald, Glasgow, to go home to Afghanistan last time he interviewed him, was the very same social worker sent to assess his care needs again last week? And perhaps a lead professional could explain why the eviction that was postponed by the Director of Social Work is to be carried out by Sheriff’s Officers on Wednesday, while Mr Bajaj still awaits his medical report to go with the Community Care Assessment? And perhaps a lead professional could explain how the denial of shelter to a disabled elderly man who speaks little English does not amount to a breach of his rights under the European Convention of Human Rights?
Supporters of the family are desperately trying, once again, to prevent the council from evicting this vulnerable man and his family. We remind the council that they have the legal duty to provide housing and support to any person, regardless of their immigration status, if withholding such support would be breach that person’s human rights.
Glasgow: the Caring City? Aye, right. It’s about time the council stopped doing McNulty’s dirty work, and stopped turning their over-worked social workers into immigration police. Let Mr Bajaj stay in his home, and let him and his two sons stay in the country to work and to rebuild their lives. To put this family onto the streets or send them back to Afghanistan would be a human rights scandal.
McNulty made it quite clear that the dawn raids, the destitution, the detentions, and the deportations are to continue. The people of Scotland, the Glasgow No Border Network, The Campaign to Welcome Refugees and Unity, the Union of Asylum Seekers in Scotland, are stating louder each time: we will stand together against your racist migration controls. In unity is strength. No one is illegal.
McNulty meets the Scottish Induction Service.
And then dispersed to a civic reception at the City Chambers...
McNulty's had enough, and signs up for voluntary return.
Many thanks to Gareth for all photos. See http://www.photoecosse.net/