The campaign against dawn raid abductions of Glasgow families continues to grow. On Wednesday the Immigration Reporting Centre in Govan was locked-down and occupied, preventing, at least for one day, any families being disappeared from Brand Street.
click for Link
click for BBC report
photo:gareth harper - http://www.photecosse.net/
“Authoritarian scumbag” resigns.
Meanwhile, authoritarian scumbag David Blunkett – former Home Secretary responsible for implementing the most racist asylum policies ever in the UK – resigned for the second time in 12 months, after being caught abusing his position of power for personal gain. Again.
click for link: “Shed no tears for Blunkett” - an article by Mark Barnsley from December 2004, last time Blunkett resigned.
Gorbals public meeting.
On Thursday evening a meeting was held in the Gorbals in support of the Kupeli family, snatched at dawn on October 14th, currently in detention facing deportation. Around 250 people packed the St Francis Centre to hear speeches from activists and politicians, and testimony from the very many refugee families there, who discussed tactics for physically preventing future dawn raids.
The meeting called for:
* The return of the Kupeli and Vucaj families to Glasgow;
* An immediate halt to Home Office raids on Scottish asylum families
* An amnesty for all Scottish asylum families resident here for over a year.
click for Link
Earlier on Thursday the highest court in the land declared Section 55 of the 2002 Nationality Immigration and Asylum Act amounted to inhumane and degrading treatment, and as such was a breach of human rights under law. Section 55, brought in by David Blunkett (remember him?) left tens of thousands of people homeless and destitute as they had not claimed for asylum the minute they entered the country. The Law Lords have thrown out the government appeal.
(NB This does not affect people refused asylum who are unable or unwilling to leave the country. They remain destitute with no entitlement to housing, work or benefits)
click for link: Refugee Council:
click for link: Liberty
Dungavel film, 5th November
“Visit Dungavel…Monster of the Glen”, a new film from Camcorder Guerillas, will be premiered on Saturday 5th November, 2pm, at the Glasgow Film Theatre, Rose Street. Entry is free, and DVDs will be available to take home to show your friends, family, workmates etc. The film will be followed by an open discussion.
click for Link
Samina Altaf, a disabled woman in Manchester facing deportation, has asked for help. Samina and her two children , Aqsa, and Sumama, fled Pakistan after domestic abuse. All three suffer from severe rickets and are receiving medical support in this country. Nonetheless the Home Office want to deport the family.
Samina does not beg to stay here. Instead she demands her right to remain. She will not be blackmailed into leaving the country by threats of eviction from her home. She does not appeal for support because of her condition. Rather she asks for solidarity because she is fighting back against the racism of immigration controls.
Please take the time to write a short letter in support of her case. Write to Samina’s MP – Hazel Blear, House of Commons, London SW1. Quote reference A1233290 and Ask your letter be sent on to the Home Secretary. Click for link for more info on case and how you can help.
Meanwhile at the border…
Jumping the walls that separate Morocco from the colonial enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla has long been a way to enter Europe from Africa. Security forces have begun firing upon migrants attempting to cross. In response, the European Caravan against the Fence of Death will protest at Ceuta, the southernmost border of Fortress Europe (on the African continent), on the 4th, 5th and 6th of November.
click for link indymedia:
click fo link indymedia estrecho (lots more info, various languages)
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